Youth Spotlight: TYSA


Welcome to one of the largest youth soccer associations in Georgia. Tucker Youth Soccer Association (TYSA) is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the successful and enjoyable game of Soccer - the world's most popular game! TYSA is the largest youth sports association in DeKalb county, the 4th largest youth soccer association in Georgia and home of more than 1200 players on 115 plus teams. We operate in three complexes, county owned Henderson Park and privately owned Granite Fields. The three complexes house four U06, three U08, four U10, two U12, three U14, and three U15 - U19 fields. Five of the fields are lit. Plans are underway for the addition of two U12 - U14 fields. We offer recreational soccer for children 4 to 18 years old and select soccer for children from 9 to 19 years old.

TYSA was created in the late 70's and then incorporated in July of 1985. During this time, TYSA has built a tradition of quality organized athletics that continue to the next generation. The top photo to the right, of the 1978 TYSA Sky Hawks, includes the late Dennis Henry, who coached his sons' teams for several seasons. His grand daughter, Mya is now in our Tiny Tykes coached by her Aunt Kathy Henry.

Below that photo are the 1981 TYSA Boomers. Third from the right in the second row is Ed Forrester who currently holds a board position and coaches his two sons, Adam and Jackson.

For more information about TYSA , contact the President of TYSA, Leonard Howell.


For more information, please contact,

Henderson Fields 2803 Henderson Road
Tucker , Georgia 30084
Livsey Field
(Henderson Field 6)
2803 Henderson Road
Tucker , Georgia 30084
Granite Facility 4670 Granite Drive
Tucker Ga. 30084


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