Jamhuri Outreach Program

Jamhuri FC is collecting used & new soccer equipment for their non profit called Chance Afrika.

In these financial times I understand that it is difficult to give but

if you have something in your closet that maybe you don't pull out all the time...shorts.. and old jersey..

if you have children that have outgrown their shoes .. goal keeping jerseys ..gloves..

if your a coach and your team is getting new soccer balls ... cones...collect the old ones..

if your a team Mom or team Dad and the team is getting new uniforms... collect the old ones...

or if you want to donate new socks.. shin guards..

CASL will be collecting items every Sunday at Noonday Park during the summer or you can drop off at the Noonday Offices any time during business hours or you can contact Chance Afrika directly Eric Mwangi ericm@chanceafricia.org


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