Soccer in the Streets Benefit Game

On October 2, 2011, the most amazing soccer game you've ever witnessed will take place in Piedmont Park, right in the heart of Atlanta, GA.  As a tongue-in-cheek protest to the typical formal banquet fundraiser, we host our banquet in the park and attire the soccer players in black tie and ball gowns.  And people fork over their hard earned cash as incentive for them to don their fancy duds (ladies and gentlemen, dresses and tuxes - not necessarily in that order!) and kick about for fun and charity.

Complete with a professional British announcer, thrills and spills, hard-nosed tackles (in sequins), jamming music, delicious food and coveted awards for the best dressed player, this is an event not to be missed! 

And most important, it's all for a great cause - the kids of metro Atlanta who need a helping hand.  All kids deserve a chance for success. Soccer In The Streets empowers kids who lack opportunity by using soccer as a medium to make them employable adults.

Sign up to play!  Or if you don't want to outshine the others with your super fancy attire or stellar soccer skills, pledge a player or come along for lunch, as well as an incredible array of silent auction items.


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