Funny story from the Creative Loafing about Mexican National Team's visit to Atlanta and a fan

Soccer fanatic 

The Mexican national soccer team was staying at a swank Buckhead hotel. A group of young female fans had gathered in the lobby, trying to get a glimpse of the hunky soccer players. An off-duty Atlanta cop had been hired to keep part of the lobby clear of the screaming fans. The cop spotted a 19-year-old girl and asked her to leave the lobby several times. But when she saw her favorite Mexican soccer player walk by, she refused to leave.
The cop wrote, "I gently placed my arm across the upper part of her chest and said, 'You have to leave now.'" "Don't fuckin' touch me," the 19-year-old screeched, holding up her iPhone, begging for a photo with the soccer player. The officer kept trying to push the 19-year-old out of the hotel lobby and she kept fighting to get her photo with the soccer star. "Don't fuckin' touch me," she yelled. "You do not have the right to touch me." The officer grabbed her arm and she tried to run away, so the cop handcuffed her and charged her with disorderly conduct. As the cop was writing her ticket, a 20-year-old man started pestering the cop. (No, he wasn't a hunky soccer player, just some guy hanging out with the lady fans.) The young man said, "If you are arresting her, then you have to arrest me." OK. So the officer handcuffed the young man as well. They both went to jail.
Silly putty
A man clutching a broken cement block threatened to smash a police car in the parking lot of the Zone Five precinct on Centennial Olympic Park Drive. An officer spotted the man near the patrol car and yelled, "What are you doing?" The man replied, "I'm having a seizure." The officer noted, "[The man] then began to take that cement block and strike the passenger rear window three times." "Stop!" the officer yelled. The man kept smashing the car with the cement block. "I then quickly got out of my car with my service weapon and demanded him to stop again. By then, I had walked up to him and grabbed the cement block out of his hands." The man, 39, went to jail for multiple charges. There were no signs that he was really having a seizure.


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