A.U.'s Darren Eales Impressed & Excited by Atlanta!

Atlanta United President Darren Eales joined Roger Bennett of Men in Blazers to discuss his West Virginia initiation to America, returning to take the helm ahead of ATL UTD's inaugural season and what it took to build a club from the bottom up.
"I was blown away even in that first weekend I visited by how cosmopolitan, how international [Atlanta] is, what a vibrant, growing, exciting city to be in," Eales said. "Ultimately, you don't get the chance to start something up from scratch anywhere else in the world of soccer - this is something that is unique to America. So the idea that I could take the team and build it exactly in the identity I wanted to, both on and off the field, that's something you just couldn't do at Tottenham."
Take a listen for more behind-the-scenes detail on Atlanta's record-setting debut.


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