Coaching Course Alert: Georgia Soccer & NSCAA Join Forces for Fall Coaching Courses

Georgia Soccer and the NSCAA Join Forces
Georgia Soccer and the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) have partnered to create a comprehensive education platform. The NSCAA is the largest coaches association in the world and is dedicated to serving and educating its members. The partnership will benefit all our member coaches by providing a broad range of courses and clinics to cover all aspects of the game. Starting in the summer of 2014, coaches will be able to register for an expanded menu of courses and clinics.
The Coaching School Instructors are nationally licensed professionals who have been selected based on their qualifications and experience as coaches and educators. The coaching courses offered include the official US Soccer certification courses, as well as the NSCAA non-residential and residential diploma courses, and the US Youth Soccer Youth License courses.  All these courses are recognized and valid throughout the country.
The courses can be grouped into the following categories:
The US Youth Soccer Courses:  These courses cover the youngest age groups from U6 to U12, denoted as Zone 1 by US Soccer.  The courses under this category are the ‘G’ (U6-U8) certificate course‘F’ (U10-U12 Rec) certificate course, and the National Youth License course.
The US Soccer Licensing Courses:  These are the coaching courses that are administered by the state associations on behalf of US Soccer.  The curriculum for these courses is designed by US Soccer and delivered by Georgia Soccer’s Instructors.  These courses are aimed at the intermediate level and are the pre-requisites for the US Soccer ‘C’, ‘B’, and ‘A’ Residential courses.  The courses under this category are the National ‘E’ License and the National ‘D’ License.
The NSCAA Diploma Courses:  These courses are the official NSCAA non-residential and residential diploma courses.  The courses are aimed at coaches working with Academy/Select level teams and cover a broad range of topics. The non-residential courses offered include the NSCAA Level 6 Diploma, the NSCAA Goalkeeping Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 Diplomas, the NSCAA Director of Coaching Diploma and the NSCAA High School Diploma. The residential courses include the NSCAA National Diploma, the NSCAA Advanced National Diploma, the NSCAA Advanced Director of Coaching Diploma, the NSCAA Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma and the NSCAA Premier Diploma.
More information and course details can be found on the Coaching Course Description page of the Georgia Soccer website. Please contact Tara Daniel at with any questions you may have.


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