Event Alert: Champion's League Party Recap

Champions League Party Recap

We would like to thank all the people who came out to Mac McGee's in Roswell last Saturday afternoon to view the Champion"s League Final between Barcelona and Juventus. We also celebrated the Coronation of Mark Stevens for having won the Predict The Score EPL championship. He not only won the Atlanta League but also won the World Title. This is his fifth year winning in Atlanta and the second World Title.

Predict the Score is a global competition with leagues through out the world. People compete to predict the score and scorers of the English Premier League. The local Atlanta league is sponsored by the Soccer Reptile's Atlanta Soccer News.

The party was put on by Media First and Panorama Press in conjunction with Mac McGee's in Roswell . "We would like to thank Mac McGee's for their support in putting this great event for us. We were very happy with the support from teams from all over Atlanta. It is always special when people the Atlanta soccer community gets together." said Jim Caruso from Media First.

Young and old had a grand time at the event



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