Volunteer Soccer Coach with DPFC, SW Atlanta Girls Team

My 'Give 5 Day' as a Volunteer Soccer Coach with DPFC, SW Atlanta Girls Team

Diamonds and Pearls Futbol Club is using soccer as a vehicle to teach our girls character building, the importance of academic excellence, develop sportsmanship, and to create opportunities for community development.
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Diamonds Under 12 Soccer Team, Diamonds & Pearls FC
Coach Jason with 2 of the Diamonds players
Volunteering is a cornerstone at Patch, and at least once every 3 months employees take the day off to volunteer in the community and highlight others' efforts.  For my latest "Give 5 Day" I was able to spend some time executing drills with the Diamonds & Pearls FC - Under 10 soccer team.
DPFC is, "the only exclusively all female soccer club in Southwest Atlanta that services girls from ALL social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds."  They currently have 4 teams/age groups:
- The Sapphires (Girls Under the age 8)
- The Rubies (Girls Under the age 10)
- The Diamonds (Girls Under 12)
- The Pearls (Girls Under 14)
The teams have 1 full-time coach each, but need and welcome more assistant coaches.  If you have a love for soccer and want to share your time then coaching is a great way to volunteer.  If coaching is not your forte, you can even sponsor one of the many young athletes that are on the waiting list, but just do not have the funds to join the team and buy the gear.  So, if you want to help out, there are always ways to support a cause.  Diamonds & Pearls FC is a great cause and team.
My day hanging on the field with the Diamonds was amazing!  The girls have skills, determination, toughness, and a desire to everyday get better.  Diamonds & Pearls FC is trully another one of our hidden gems in Southwest Atlanta.
The team sometimes gathers at Trammell Crowe Park, along with the Tiger Soccer Club-Boys Team, but the main field is at Georgia Soccer Park off of Camp Creek Parkway.  The 3 teams practice at Georgia Soccer Park on Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00 p.m. - 8 p.m., and play their games on Saturdays. 
Visit www.DPFC.org for more complete information about the team and how you can support, and also feel free to come to one of the practices and meet Coach Jason Louder and the teams.  For parents that have girls interested in playing, the registration period closes next week, so hurry.


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